Kivipaasi, Stone Table, 2021, acrylic and oil on linen, 150x185cm

Hermafrodiitti, Hermaphrodite, 2021, oil on canvas, 150x200cm

Linnuista, About the Birds, 150x200cm, 2021, oil on canvas

Älä itke minua, äitini, Weep not for me, Mother, 2020, acrylic on linen, 89x120cm

Kultanaamio, Golden Mask, 2019, acrylic and oil on canvas, 55x46cm

Minne äiti menee? II, Where is Mother Going? II, 2018, oil on linen,150x110cm
(c) Sara Rantanen 2019
Cargo Collective 2017 — Frogtown, Los Angeles